Home of underground & emerging art in inland Southern California
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Our gallery & shop is located at
18 E. Vine St., Redlands California.
We welcome you to pay a visit!
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Exhibitions, Events, & Workshops
Since 2019, Artlands Downtown Redlands has made a name for itself for fostering emerging artists, showcasing established artists, and defining culture in the inland Southern California region. The gallery and shop has taken on the role of a cultural incubator and has served as a launching pad for many artists’ careers and intro into the art community, building connections and community among a diverse-cross-section of artists from a wide geographic area. Despite being a small space, our flagship gallery and shop and its DIY ethos has had a big impact and has influenced other art spaces and organizations all over Southern California.
Pay us a visit or check out our online shop!
Current Artists
Kime Buzzelli
Edward Colver
Gitane Demone
Guy Denning
Whitney DeStasio
Sarah deTreville
Sofia Diaz
Fur Dixon
Daniel Gohman
Holly Highfield
Ed Huerta
Kirsten Kamstra
Eliran Kantor
Al Marcano
Marcus Mercado
Monkey (The Adicts)
Moon Patrol
Jennifer O’Connell
Jillian Sander
Leah Stemmann
The Upcycled Punk
Theresa Van Ornum
Manny Zamudio
Artists who have previously shown at 18 E. Vine St.
Solo Art Shows
Pável Acevedo
Matt Adams (The Blank Tapes)
Brenda Angel
Raymond Argumedo
Bloody Gums Collective
Brooklyn the Artist
Kime Buzzelli
Exene Cervenka (X)
Guy Denning
Jill Emery (Hole/Mazzy Star/Super Heroines)
Ana Everhart
Dusty Ferguson
Bill Green
Ed Huerta (Lazy Cowgirls/Jack Brewer Band/Gertrudus)
Jina Imani
Inland Mujeres
Itsbeenmadreal (DeAnglo Castro)
Zara Kand
Kylie Knight
Luna Arcana
James McClung
Alex Mitroff
Monkey (The Adicts)
Jason Moore
Ekaterina Orlovie
Ivana Quezada
Charles Ben Russell
Willis Salomon
Sarah Scheideman
Lauren Verdugo
Past Artists
Nicholas Aceves
Sophia Asher
Lizzy Ashley
Adam Aguilar
Micah Amaro
Jacob Anderson
Nick Bahula
Christopher Lawrence Baird
Sean Bannister
Louise Barnes
Damien Barton
Berk Visual
Bridget Bilbo
Bon Bizkerre
Gaye Black (The Adverts)
Stephen Blickenstaff (Illustrator, The Cramps Bad Music For Bad People)
Blue Hill Studios
Alexandra Bowers
Richard Bravo
Aeron Brown
Jessica Bruny
Johnny Bryan
Lee Bueno
Busy Bee Clay
A’kailah Byrd-Greene
Jessica Carrillo
Romulo Casillas
Christiane Cegavske
Savannah Chai
Amparo Chi
Kate Chase
James Coates
Matthew Cobo
Edward Colver (Photographer, over 500 album covers including: Black Flag Damaged, Bad Religion 80-85, Circle Jerks Group Sex, Ice Cube Greatest Hits)
Rosy Cortez
Bailey Cromwell
Christine Curry
Adela Davies-Alyeoja
Cecily Skill Davis
Kalie Demerjian
Gitane Demone (Christian Death/Pompeii 99)
Christopher Details
Delmy Diaz
Daniel Martin Diaz
Adrian Dizon
Fur Dixon (The Cramps/Hollywood Hillbillys)
Neal Donnelly
John Duran (The Violet Mindfield)
Matthew Dutton
Arden Dvorchak
Caleb Edwards
Enigmas Art
Joseph Escobar
Laree Evelyn
Samantha Ferguson
Shirlee Fisher
Olivia Flores
Sabro Foster
Justin Foster
Xrstine Franco
Annabelle Frank
Karin Lindberg Freda (Music photographer)
Cesar Garcia
Elizabeth Garcia
Mina Garcia
Tiarrah Gordon
Mariah Green
Casey Hall
Jean Hall
Colleena Hake
Charlie Harper (UK Subs)
Austin Hart
Micherlange Hemsley
Gregory Hergert
John Holmstrom (founder, Punk Magazine/illustrator, Ramones Rocket to Russia & Road to Ruin)
Homeless Cop
Cynthia Huerta
Leelee Jackson
Marvin James
Claire Jorgensen
Yehsiming Jue
Eliran Kantor
Duan Kellum
Jaycie Kim
Todd Kruse
Ally Kynev
Emmanuel Camacho Larios
KC Lauren
Mike Leach (Rock photographer)
Grey Forge LeFey
Hanna Leka
Charity Lindsey
Allyson Lipkin
Deziree Little
Hayley Lockwood
Past Artists (Continued)
Kell Lorenz
Julian Lucas
Martín Mancha
Al Marcano
R.N. Marcel
David Markey (Sin 34/We Got Power!)
Brad Markley
Fabrizio Martinez
Lily Mata
Kate McCabe
Amanda Lynn McCarty
Jay McCrary
Yulissa Mendoza
Brandon Moningka
Moon Patrol
Miranda Morehouse
Patricia Morrison (The Bags/The Gun Club/The Damned)
John D. Morton (Electric Eels, X_X)
Alicia Mosely
Edith Motley
Margo Mullen
Isaiah Mulz
Michelle Muñoz
Fernando Murillo
Amani Muriuk
Nanlib Invasion
John Nikolai (Rock photographer)
Niara Nuru
Jennifer O’Connell
Raine O’Hollaren
Gavy Delgadillo De Orozco
Quinn Orr
Leah Owen
Natalee Pangrazio
Jose Paradaco
Jericho Patrick
Edgar Perez-Peña
Christopher Perez
Ronn Perez
Skot Pollok (The Legendary Swagger)
Vanessa Powers
Joe Quiñones
Vivian Rabenstein
Dez Ramirez
Rare Art Goon
Jamie Reid (Art Director, The Sex Pistols)
Gabby Rockwood
Paul Roessler (The Screamers/45 Grave)
Dylan Roquet
Julie Rose
Julie H. Rose (The Cramps/The Mad)
Ruins Rosso
Catherine Ruane
Commodore Ruiz
Elizabeth Rydall
Jay Salce
Kyra Schon (Actress, Night of the Living Dead)
Jordan Schwartz (We Got Power!)
Julie Scrivner
Olivia Senoff
Nick Serrato
Jared Shaw
Aaron Sheppard
Shavase Shine
Cristian Sigler
Denise Silva
Courtney Simone
Jasmine Smith
Kylie Smith
Space Beads
Sinly Srey-Lim
Eli Staats
Marcus Stuart
Tara Tavi
Sarai Tirado (Porkboii)
Fabian Torres
Maritza Torres
Jeremy Tullo
Two Moons Glass
Rebecca Ustrell
Janette Valenzo
Mary Vasquez
Rohini Walker
Adrianne I. Webb
Westside Freddy
Tekeyah Whitworth
Xavier Williams
Ashley Wright
David Yow (Jesus Lizard/Scratch Acid)
Alexandra Yvonne
Manny Zamudio
Lorena Zaragoza
Ayled Zazueta
Ilir Zeneli (Peg Leg Love)
Maria Zherdeva
Kimberly Zzyzx
GD3 | Gitane Demone • Rikk Agnew • Deb Venom
Live at Artlands, 6/1/2024
Gitane Demone is a visual artist, poet, musician, and singer. She has played around the world and on recordings in bands such as Gitane Demone Quartet, Christian Death, Pompeii 99, The Crystelles among others.
Rikk Agnew is a legendary guitarist and musician in the Southern California punk rock scene. He has a career that has spanned more then 40 years and has played in influential bands such as Adolescents, D.I., Christian Death, Social Distortion, among many others.
Deb Venom is the keyboardist/bass player for Gitane Demone Quartet and has played in bands such as A Bleeding Sky, Spirit Before A Fall, Only Theatre Of Pain, and Secret Spiders.
Check out our first “Hole in the Wall Show” with Matt Adams of The Blank Tapes. This performance was recorded and live-streamed from our space in downtown Redlands, CA on April 27, 2020. This is a special quarantine edition with no audience due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Stay-tuned for more performances coming soon.
All songs by Matt Adams | Videography by Jericho Patrick | Produced by Daniel Gohman